AboutGaia New Energy

From setup, Gaia Solar engaged in changing steadily deteriorating environment, and invested huge capitals on researching one kind of clean and sustainable energy. 

With the noble mission, Gaia Solar has become a famous brand in concentrated solar power industry. Gaia researched on solar receiver tube technology more than ten years ago, and as a strategic partner of CASC, Gaia Solar promoted high quality and traceable solar receiver tube RT-4060. Gaia Solar also successfully researched out parabolic trough solar collectors PT-5760 and PT-2O, which can be used for solar thermal plant and steam generation. 


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Stragetic of China Areo Space and more then ten years in solar

fields, we have the real core technology of solar power

We are the only legal owner of high efficiency solar cars with National Patent

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new energy vehicles

Gaia New Energy Exports 4 Sets EEC Certificated Electric Cars To Latvia


Gaia New Energy exports 4 sets of EEC certificated electric cars to Latvia on June 3, 2020. There are one 40 feet containers in total. Gaia New Energy is the first company who really passed US DOT listed & Europe EEC certification of L7e-CP with middle speed and four seaters cars. Now, Gai

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new energy vehicles

Gaia New Energy Exports 4 Sets EEC Certificated Electric Cars To Bulgaria


Gaia New Energy exports 4 sets of EEC certificated electric cars to Bulgaria on May 25, 2020. There are one 40 feet containers in total. Gaia New Energy is the first company who really passed US DOT listed & Europe EEC certification of L7e-CP with middle speed and four seaters cars. Now, G

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new energy vehicles

Gaia New Energy Exports 2 Sets EEC Certificated Electric Cars To Venezuela


Gaia New Energy exports 2 sets of EEC certificated electric cars to Venezuela on May 16, 2020. There are one 20 feet containers in total. Gaia New Energy is the first company who really passed US DOT listed & Europe EEC certification of L7e-CP with middle speed and four seaters cars. Now,

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    contact us

    new energy vehicles
  • NEW ENERGYMr. David Cheng
  • Cheapest EV0086-534-2755175
  • Sedan EVinfo@gaia-solar.com
  • Street view car0086-13953485199
  • new energy vehiclesWest No. 1 Plant, South of ZhangZhuang, TaiTousi Town, ETD Zone, DeZhou City, ShanDong, China


    new energy vehicles

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Shandong Gaia New Energy Tech. Co.,Ltd. Sitemap
Cheapest EV info@gaia-solar.com Cheapest EV 0086-534-2755175 Street view car 0086-13953485199 Sedan EV gaiasolar new energy vehicles 5721601
EXPOSICIÓN | YUANTAI & COSTA RICA EXPOFERRETERIA-Noticias-Tianjin yuantai Derun Tubo de Acero manufacturing group co., Ltd-

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Tianjin Yuantai Derun Tubo de Acero Manufacturing Group Co., Ltd., establecida en marzo de 2002,

* El mayor fabricante especializado en tubos/tuberías cuadradas y rectangulares ERW, tuberías de estructura de sección hueca, tuberías galvanizadas y tuberías de soldadura en espiral en China.

* La producción anual alcanza los 5 millones de toneladas.

* Yuantai Derun tiene 51 líneas de producción de tubería ERW negra, 10 líneas de producción de tubería galvanizada y 3 líneas de producción de tubería de soldadura en espiral.

* Se puede fabricar tubería cuadrada de 20*20*1mm a 500*500*40mm, tubería rectangular de 20*30*1.2mm a 400*600*40mm, tubería soldada de 2”—60”.

* Habilidades profesionales para ofrecer máquinas de tubos de acero.